

History tells us who we are, where we came from and how we are connected. Without studying history, we cannot understand where we are now or where we are going in the future. Studying history often ignites a passion, a curiosity and a determination in students.

A passion to ensure that wrongs in the past are not repeated in the future. A curiosity about how people in the past thought differently or similarly to them even though their lives may be separated by hundreds of years. A determination to study hard and write with maturity and authority; accepting that a piece of writing or research may take time to develop and refine before it is completed.

By studying history, we develop knowledge and understanding of chronology, we can identify key features of historical periods, the role of significant individuals, events and turning points.  History develops our understanding of continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity and difference, historians do this by making connections, analysing trends, and investigating big historical questions.  History enables us to make connections between different aspects of the periods and themes studied; between local, regional, National and international history; between cultural, economic, social, political, religious and military history; and between short and long-term timescales.  

Historians never stop questioning. They question why things happen. They question how they can truly know what happened. They even question other Historians! This ability to question and think critically encourages a confidence to communicate ideas and challenge injustice.


Curriculum information






Year 7

- Pre 1066: The collapse of the Roman Empire and Anglo-Saxon Britain.


- The Norman Invasion and conquest - How did the Normans conquer and control Britian?


- Middle Ages - The struggle between church and state. Who really held the power in the Medieval period?

- The Reformation -How did the Renaissance and Reformation change Europe between 1400-1700?


- Elizabethan  England - Was Elizabeths reign truly Golden?



- Elizabethan  England - Was Elizabeths reign truly Golden?


- Thematic Study - Who are the British? Migration from 55BC- present.

Year 8

- The English Civil War - Why did the English challenge the divine right of kings?


- Black British History - Exploration of the British Ilses and their relationship with Africa and the Carribean. 


- Black British History continued.


- The Industrial Revolution and Local Study - To what extent did Britain and the North East change due to industrialisation?

- Dying for the vote - Why was voting so important to many during the 19th and 20th century?


- Thematic Study - Herstory - The representation of women throughout History. 

Year 9

- WWI and the interwar period - How did nationalism dictate the 20th century? Rise of dictators.


- WWII and The Holocaust - How did Nazi persecution affect the lives of Jewish people from 1933-1945 


- The Holocaust How did Nazi persecution affect the lives of Jewish people from 1933-1945 


- The Cold War - How did Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ speech signify a divided Europe? 1941-1991

- Civil Rights movement in 20th century USA


- Making of Modern Britian 1945-Present - Is British History after WWII a story of decline?


Year 10

Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE Medicine through Time and the Western Front

Edexcel GCSE- Elizabethan England

Yera 11

Edexcel GCSE- The American West 

Paper 1 Revision

Paper 3 Revision

Paper 2 Revision 


Above all the history staff demonstrated a passion for their subject and were always helpful and supportive. It has inspired me to continue history into my A levels, and then hopefully study it at university too!
Year 11 student
After studying history for five years, (covering the English civil war, Spanish Armada, Hastings, the Tudors, America, WW1 and WW2 amongst other things) I now find myself more able to make links between current affairs and those of the past.
Year 11 student